We Can End World Hunger
There is strength in numbers. With just a small portion of our income, we can literally end world hunger and save 9 million lives - most of them children - each year. We can alleviate unthinkable suffering from starvation and preventable diseases. It's easier than you think - and the evidence proves that it can and should be done. Please review the information on this site, and tell everyone you know about it!
Welcome to YourOnePercent.org, the place to learn about your part in ending world hunger.
Who We Are?
A small group of concerned people who are unhappy with the status quo; biographies coming soon!
How We Work?
We're aggregators - of resources, of interested parties, of funds, of information. We believe that the answers to global hunger already exist, and our role is to help each part of the solution to find the others.
Why Choose Us?
Don't take our word for it. Do your own research.
Learn more about the problem and the organization(s) which are doing something about it.